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Cordyceps militaris

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Cordyceps militaris - cordyceps military vegetarian


CORDICEPS MILITARIS — used for many centuries. It can be used to strengthen the immune system, improve physical endurance, fight fatigue and stress, and improve digestion. Cordyceps also contains antioxidants that can protect the body.

Cordyceps is a mushroom that has been used for thousands of years.

Military cordyceps - has absolutely unique properties. With folk sources, often refers to military cordyceps as turrobium and military sour. The mushroom is quite rare for mushroom pickers, and even those who saw the military cordyceps in the forest in most cases leave it in place, not even imagining what prize they missed.

The recommended daily dosage is 1-2g (or 2-4 capsules if you have capsules) of the mushroom. It is better to drink before or after meals, you can drink warm water. The method of brewing the mushroom as tea is also common (possible in a thermos).

The site has a photo of the finished product with a detailed description, choose what suits you.
Cordyceps militaris

Distinctive features of cordyceps military

When collecting military cordyceps on your own, special care should be taken. Due to the fact that the mushroom can be easily confused with its very poisonous compatriots, there is a high probability of making a mistake and, accordingly, getting severe poisoning. So, with what poisonous "relatives" can military cordyceps be confused:
One-sided cordyceps - a yellow mushroom parasitizes on the bodies of dead beetles, which, by the way, are also poisonous. It can be distinguished from military cordyceps by the presence of a cap that grows directly from the body of the host beetle. From each dead beetle, only one hat sprouts, it has no "brothers".

Ophioglossoid cordyceps - the pulp of military turrobium becomes black after being cut. This makes the mushroom very similar to the poisonous black mycelium of a dangerous mushroom. It differs from the edible variety in its truffle type and in that it develops exclusively on caterpillar larvae.
Parasitic cordyceps with gray-ash mycelium. This mushroom is not edible and, accordingly, has no benefit to the human body. Reaching 3,5 cm in height, the fungus begins its development both on pupae and on larvae of any, without exception, insects. Outwardly, it resembles a short process - fingers. Their color is black, and the hat is grayish.

Important! Never start looking for military cordyceps if you are not 100% sure what exactly this fungus looks like and how to distinguish it from its poisonous counterparts!

Appearance of military cordyceps

Military cordyceps is one of the spore varieties of parasitic organisms, in our case - fungi. The leg of the mycelium of the military cordyceps has a cylindrical shape and resembles a process of white or, conversely, bright orange. Cordyceps do not have a hat. The color of the fungus largely depends on where exactly it lives and on which insects it parasitizes. The mushroom is small in size, in the standard it is from 2 to 8 mm, but it is very, very rare to find an eight-centimeter military cordyceps. The fruiting body has a bubbly or tuberous structure.
The cut pulp of the military cordyceps is interesting with a fibrous pulp of a whitish hue. The smell and taste are inconspicuous. The fungus reproduces by spores. Their shape is filiform, cloisonne. Mature spores break up into small cylinders.
Note! The use of the drug should be started only after prior consultation with the doctor.

In many ways, the healing properties of military cordyceps can be explained by its unique chemical composition.
The mushroom contains:
  • amino acids and enzymes;
  • coenzymes;
  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins of groups B, C, PP, K, E;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium.
The fact that the mushroom can still be eaten and, accordingly, it is not poisonous can be explained by the fact that tyrizinase, which is dangerous for the human body, is completely absent in its composition.

Summing up

Taking into account the fact that the properties of a unique mushroom have not yet been studied 100%, the use of biologically active additives with its content should be treated with the utmost care and in no case should the need for prior consultation with the attending physician be ignored.
Cordyceps militaris 1

Cordyceps militaris

Habitat and Variability: Military cordyceps is found in diverse environments where it parasitizes various insects. The specific color and appearance of the fungus can vary significantly based on its host and habitat. In some cases, environmental factors such as temperature and humidity may influence the hue and size of the cordyceps, contributing to its wide range of appearances.

Uses and Benefits: Despite its unassuming appearance, military cordyceps is valued for its potential health benefits. It is traditionally used in various cultures for its reputed ability to boost energy, enhance stamina, and support immune function. Research into its bioactive compounds suggests that military cordyceps may offer beneficial effects on metabolic health and overall vitality.

Processing and Handling: When preparing military cordyceps for use, the fibrous, whitish pulp is carefully processed to preserve its active compounds. Due to its delicate structure and subtle flavor, it is often extracted or blended into supplements. Proper handling and storage are essential to maintain the quality and efficacy of the fungus, ensuring that it retains its beneficial properties.